My Graphic Novel is Complete

Finally, after months of working on my graphic novel, I have completed its final pages. The artwork needs no further editing, and the dialogue has been put in. I ordered a proof copy, received it, and am making adjustments at the moment in order to self publish by next week.

My blog, entitled Dreams and Letters, was originally made to document my process as I attempted to complete a graphic novel by May. It was supposed to be more of a scrapbook of ideas for me, a way of saving memories for my future self and maybe inspiring someone out there along the way. I am glad to say that I was extremely surprised at what blogging had in store.

I didn’t realize upon my blog’s start in February what a supportive community of people were out there, motivating one another to achieve their dreams as if they were already friends. All I can say is thank you to everyone who supported me along the way. Although I have been neglecting my blog during the past few weeks, when I did post you were all quick to give me a lot of much-needed motivation. You guys are why I love blogging, and will stick with my blog for years to come.

Thanks again.

Here’s a little timelapse video of me drawing a spread from the book:

16 thoughts on “My Graphic Novel is Complete

  1. sammulhern says:

    Absolutely amazing work, really looking forward to reading it. I love being able to see your behind the scenes work too, makes me able to appreciate each piece even more. I’m sure you’ll fill us in later, but what format will it be in and where will we be able score a copy from? :3

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tori J. says:

      Thank you so much! Your constant support has given me so much motivation and I really appreciate all of it. I’m going to do a big post about the book’s information, where it will be available, etc. very soon! I can’t wait to catch up on all of your posts. I feel like I’ve been away from blogging for too long, but now that I’ve finished Solstice I can finally get back into the swing of things and move on to more fun stuff! Thanks again for checking in 🙂


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